Grusovin Maria Gabriella

Grusovin Maria Gabriella


Grusovin Maria Gabriella

Graduated with honors in Dentistry (TS).
Swedish specialist in Periodontology and Implants.
Former Lecturer at the Universities of Manchester and Vita e Salute San Raffaele (MI).
Active member of the Italian Osseointegration Academy (IAO), Certified Sidp member (Italian Society of Periodontology), active member of the Bone, Biomaterials and Beyond (BBB) ​​Academy, member of the International Piezoelectric Academy (IPA).
Author of over 80 publications and book chapters, speaker at courses and congresses Freelance practitioner with practice limited to periodontology and implantology.
Formerly under national cultural and regional cultural secretary, now cultural secretary ANDI Gorizia.


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