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8.30 - 10.00 | Adhesive restorations with direct and indirect conservative techniques: from aesthetics to function

The execution of a correct treatment plan in the anterior and posterior sectors depends on countless factors such as age, patient expectations, the amount of lost dental tissue, the possible presence of restorations, the endodontic and periodontal conditions of the elements and the gingival contour. The conservative approach with maximum saving of residual dental tissue and the “no-prep” techniques, thanks to modern adhesive techniques, have demonstrated predictable results, reliability over time with excellent aesthetic and functional results with maximum respect for the treated elements.
The decision-making algorithm, therefore, is often very complex and must consider countless decision-making factors with the aim of achieving the best result both from an aesthetic point of view and from that of the relationship between biological costs and obtainable benefits. After having drawn up the treatment plan, one often finds oneself faced with the doubt of which materials to choose. It is therefore necessary to have in-depth knowledge also in the field of biomechanical and aesthetic behavior of commercially available materials to achieve therapeutic success even in the long term.
The course therefore aims to define the best protocols for the functional and aesthetic restoration of the elements of the anterior and posterior sectors following a path that originates from the simplest cases up to the most complex ones. Countless clinical cases and rehabilitations with direct and indirect reconstructions in stratified composite and CAD-CAM, ceramic veneers performed with minimally invasive and no-prep techniques will be treated in detail, so as to provide the participant with the complete notions to best address the cases of rehabilitation of the anterior and lateral-posterior sectors.

10.00 - 10.30 | Simplicity and Strength: Unlocking the Potential of Highly Filled Composites

Highly filled composites combine exceptional strength with user-friendly handling, making them a valuable asset in daily clinical practice. Their enhanced filler content improves wear resistance, flexural strength, and marginal integrity while minimizing polymerization shrinkage, ensuring long-term durability even in high-stress areas. Recent advancements in resin formulation have also simplified application, allowing for precise sculpting, seamless adaptation, and superior polishability with minimal effort. This presentation will focus on practical techniques to maximize the efficiency and performance of highly filled composites, helping clinicians achieve predictable, long-lasting, and esthetic restorations with ease.

10.30 - 11.00 | Aesthetic Pursuit: The role of AI in Dental Shade Selection and Treatment Planning

In Dentistry, dental color is considered as a quality which is difficult to understand, evaluate, communicate and reproduce. Whenever we think about aesthetic rehabilitations, we also think about treatment planning, which will involve the use of a lot of digital tools (Photography, Video, CBCT, Intra-oral Scanner, Facial Scanner, …). And obviously, if we want to make aesthetically beautiful restorations we need also to plan the final color result. Nowadays, visual methods using dental shade guides, digital methods using shade taking devices, imaging systems, and color matching software programs are available to determine, analyze and verify the tooth color. As dentists, our main goal is to be able to deliver totally integrated aesthetic restorations when performing any restorative treatment, so the creation of protocols of how to achieve the correct planned aesthetic final situation is crucial to achieve predictable results.

11.00 - 11.30 | break

11.30 - 12.30 | AFG: i nuAFG: the numbers in the teeth that add up

Afg is a system for designing, modeling and communicating the human dental shape, based on the discovery of objective numerical codes and geometric repetitiveness. It is an idea of the Italian dental technician A. Battistelli, who brought to the dental field the mathematical-geometric design criteria used in the millenary tradition by painters, sculptors, and in more modern times by archaeologists, tailors and restorers.
It can be used with any type of material and indifferently in the analogue and digital fields, as well as as an enhancement tool for the marketing of the practice and laboratory.
In 2010 the book “AFG Modelling” by A. Battistelli & Co. was published, translated into 13 languages, in 2021 the text “AFG Memo” was published (4 languages) both with the publishing house Team Work Media.
AFG has become a subject of teaching in many national and international public schools and universities.
In 2019 the Senate of the Italian Republic, chaired by the Hon. Sen. M. E. Alberti Casellati, wanted to reward Alberto Battistelli & Co. for having made AFG an “Italian Excellence in the world”.

12.30 - 13.15 | Bone reconstructions for correct implant placement

A correct treatment plan in implantology requires evaluations not only of type functional, but also aesthetic. It is intuitive that correct positioning of the implant, with consequent optimal emergence profile, provides the prosthetist with the ideal situation to obtain the required aesthetics. A correct diagnosis of the residual bone architecture will therefore become discriminating in evaluating the need to reconstruct the lost bone.

13.15 - 13.45 | Facial aesthetic medicine in the dental office: an exciting evolution



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