with Plenary Session Friday afternoon and Saturday
Today, there is a wide range of training available on surgical management of full-arch implant rehabilitations, for instance on All-on-4 technique, but uncertainty remains about the prosthetic issue, both provisional and definitive. The latter is still stressful for both clinicians and technicians, undermining the advantages resulting from the simplification of the surgical approach.
In fact, proposed protocols are often full of unnecessary steps and full of complexity. Our philosophy is to continuously update a complete protocol that will lead the dental team to a perfect aesthetic and functional outcome while dealing with advanced full-arch rehabilitations.
This allows to ‘switch off the brain’ and conduct cases automatically regardless of their apparent complexity, reducing stress and human error.
In modern implant dentistry, achieving optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes extends beyond the immediate placement of the dental implant. A comprehensive approach that addresses both the patient’s periodontal status and soft tissue health is critical to ensuring long-term success. This lecture focuses on the essential role of a well-planned, evidence-based protocol that combines periodontal and soft tissue treatment prior to immediate implant loading.
Emerging evidence highlights the increased risk of peri-implantitis and implant failure in patients with untreated periodontal disease. Additionally, studies support the value of soft tissue augmentation in reducing peri-implant complications and enhancing implant longevity. These findings underscore the necessity of a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses not only the hard tissue structures but also the critical role of soft tissue health in the peri-implant region.
Through a clinical case presentation, I will demonstrate a step-by-step protocol that integrates thorough periodontal evaluation and soft tissue augmentation to support successful implant outcomes. By ensuring optimal hard and soft tissue health, we can significantly reduce the risk of peri-implantitis and promote the longevity of dental implants.
The key message throughout this lecture is that *purpose, direction, and planning are more important than speed* in implantology. A meticulously crafted, patient-centered protocol is essential for achieving predictable, long-lasting results in both hard and soft tissues, thereby maximizing patient satisfaction and implant success.
When we evaluate the patient, to be a candidate for implant therapy, we must study the peri-implant tissues, bone and soft tissues very carefully. Is it necessary to do additional therapies to increase the volumes of these tissues? Can we perform simple surgical and prosthetic procedures and augment conditions and avoid soft GBR and CTG bone grafts? When are these procedures necessary?
During the last years during every type of dental treatments, the clinicians are trying to focus more on the tissue healing and regeneration, this is why where created new protocols and products in order to preserve the tissues and enhance the healing.
During this lecture it will be shown how the Active oxygen technology can improve the healing of the tissues that have been treated and how it’s possible to maintain this result over the time. Oxygen therapy is an important key factor for the dental treatments success.
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