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Masters in Periodontics and Prosthetics

todayFebruary 27, 2023 431

The “Red Path” in the 12th AIO International Congress, from June 8-10 2023 in Chia, Sardegna, will be devoted to Periodontics and Prosthetics. Participants can earn up to 20 ADA CERP credits when linked to the plenary sessions held on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Things get underway at 9am on Friday June 9th with Massimo De Sanctis, professor in Periodontology at the Vita e Salute-San Raffaele University of Milan, Past-President of the Italian Society of Periodontology and of the CIC-Italian Coordination Committee of Odontostomatological Scientific Societies who will lecture on “The Importance of Tissue Phenotype in the Treatment of Gingival Recession”. He will examine the changes in gingival dimensions following the Modified Coronally Advanced Flap (MCAF) technique and the subepithelial connective tissue graft (CTG).

Next to the podium will be  Alberto Miselli from Venezuela, professor in Veracruz, Mexico and the Unicom University of Bogotá, Colombia, developer of the Umbrella Concept, the bibliographic review on the preservation of the peri-implant marginal bone crest, the three-dimensional position of the implant and the gingival phenotype present at the time of implant placement.

Following, Vincenzo Foti from Genova, Italy, founder of the F.I.R.S.T. International Academy (Fibrinogen-Induced Regeneration Sealing Technique) will lecture on the F.I.R.S.T. technique based on the triad of sealing fibrin, heterologous collagenous bone and heterologous collagenous lamina.  He will present the “One-Time Cortical Lamina”, a variant of the F.I.R.S.T. technique involving horizontal buccal bone augmentation not requiring surgical reentry indicated for patients with mild disease without functional limitations (ASA II).

After the break, Federico Tirone from Cuneo, Italy, founder of one of the largest dental implant clinics in in Italy, will discuss the simplification of full-arch implant rehabilitation with the elimination of unnecessary steps in protocols. He in turn, will propose a full-arch implant case management protocol that gives the dental team the tools needed to achieve esthetic and functional results involving less time and facilitating an otherwise complex procedure.

Following Carlo Monaco, Associate Professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy and Director of the Masters Program in Prosthetics and Implant Prosthesis, will talk about the prosthetic management of gingival tissues in esthetic areas in the rehabilitation of natural teeth and implants.

Giulio Rasperini, associated with the Dental Clinic of the University of Milan, Italy, will present the Foundations of Periodontology for Mucogingival Surgery.

Closing the session, Silvio Mario Meloni, from the University of Sassari, Italy, will discuss the clinical and scientific results of prosthetically and esthetically guided regenerative procedures in atrophic cases, as an introduction to the afternoon hands-on course.

relatori percorso rosso

As an alternative to the Friday afternoon hands-on course is the Friday afternoon Plenary Session on complex oral surgery and multidisciplinary orthodontics, in the Chia lecture halls 1-2, hosting some of the most important names on the Italian scene (Roberto Barone, Fabio Bernardello, Carlo Clauser, Alfonso Coscarella, Nicola Derton, Fabio Giuntoli, Arturo Imbelloni, Cesare Luzi, Filippo Tomarelli).

The Plenary Session continues Saturday, June 10th with lectures on direct and indirect conservative restorations held by keynote speakers Francesco Mangani and Lorenzo Vanini together with top level speakers Marco Veneziani (Piacenza, Italy), Giancarlo Pongione (Naples, Italy), Nazariy Mykhaylyuk (Kiev, Ukraine) and AIO Cultural Secretary, Vincenzo Musella (Modena, Italy).


In conjunction with the Congress, the 2023 Doctors’ World Gala will be held to honor the 100 “Top Docs 2023” in Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry, Chiropractic and Medical Philosophy who will join the 600 colleagues from over 120 countries already awarded the prestigious distinction.

The registration link for the AIO Dental Congress is www.congressaio.it/en The current cost of participation will remain unchanged until March. 

For accommodations we recommend visiting the direct booking link at  https://congressaio.it/chia-laguna/

Information regarding shuttle service or private car transfers between the airport and congress venue please contact transfer@amors.it   

I PERCORSI ECM comprendono: Endodonzia 9 Crediti il Giovedi 8 Giugno, Percorso Verde – Style Italiano e Plenaria – Percorso Rosso – Sessione Perio-prosto – Plenaria, Percorso Blu (Ortodonzia e Plenaria) di venerdi 9 e sabato 10 Giugno, accreditati di 18 crediti ECM.

Written by: Ethel Trabucco

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