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From data management to prosthetic and restorative dentistry: the added value of digitalization at the 12th International AIO/ Italian Dental Association Congress in Sardegna

todayFebruary 6, 2023 123

New digital instruments have entered dental practices in recent years such as intra – and extra-oral scanners, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), software systems for computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) while innovative manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing and Laser Sintering, are moving clinical procedures towards computerized workflows from restorative to prosthetics, from implant surgery to orthodontics.

This “Use of Digital Techniques in Daily Clinical Practice” will be discussed during a dedicated session on Thursday June 8th during the 12th AIO International Congress entitled “Focus on the Simplicity of Excellence” from June 8-10 in Chia, Sardegna in Italy. The session will award 10 ADA CERP credits to those making request. 

Alessandro Perucchi, Swiss, specialist in Oral Surgery of the SSO-Swiss Dental Association will begin the session with his lecture on “Defining the future of implantology: an ocean of opportunities and changes” which will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the transition from analog to digital implantology. Evidence on the accuracy, reproducibility and cost/effectiveness of the digital approach in dental implantology will be presented.

Following, Uli Hauschild, from Germany and former vice president of the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS), will take on the digital workflow from the laboratory to the dentist. Next up, Piero Venezia, adjunct professor at the Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis course in Catania and author of the book “Aesthetics and Function in Total Prosthesis”, will talk about the use of digital technology in prosthetics. The digital work-flow applicable to the construction of fixed and removable prostheses will be described and indications will be provided for the choice of new prosthetic materials. 

After the break, the great return of one of the greatest experts in digital esthetics, Paulo Kano from Brazil. Currently President of the SBOD-Sociedade Brasileira de Odontologia Digital, he will discuss his Clones method and how the main objective of the use of digital technology in esthetic restorations increases the predictability of the treatment by simulating the clinical case through an early visualization of the definitive restoration, even before the beginning of the treatment.

His lecture will be followed by Nazariy Mykhaylyuk from Ukraine. Unable to participate last year due to the events involving his country, he who will talk about the entire digital workflow with the combined use of the microscope. He will look at the advantages and limitations of the digital workflow for full mouth reconstructions and smile makeovers along with choosing the correct instruments as well as team communication.

Next to the podium Dimitar Flitchev from Bulgaria, creator of the Sofia Dental Meeting and of the International Center of Sofia (with Nitzan Bichacho and Galip Gurel) will discuss the digital approach for guided prosthetics in esthetic treatments.

Luis Huanca, practice owner in Geneva and Neuchatel, Switzerland and author of over 40 publications in top international journals, will close the session with his lecture on “Orthodontics in 3D” where he will illustrate how set-ups, even the most difficult, are simplified through through the use of digital technologies. He will also talk about retainers and modern versions of wires which, when digitally “cut”, are able to attain a precision practically impossible for the human hand to reach. 



Held in conjunction with the AIO International Congress, will be the the 2023 Doctors’ World Gala recognizing the 100 “Top Docs” for 2023 in Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry, Chiropractic and Medical Philosophy. The newly nominated “Top Docs” will join their 600 colleagues from over 120 countries already awarded this prestigious recognition. 

It is possible to register for the Congress using the link www.congressaio.it/en
Current quotas will remain unchanged until next March. 

For accommodations we recommend visiting the direct booking link at  https://congressaio.it/chia-laguna/

Information regarding shuttle service or private car transfers between the airport and congress venue please contact transfer@amors.it   

I PERCORSI ECM comprendono: Endodonzia 9 Crediti il Giovedi 8 Giugno, Percorso Verde – Style Italiano e Plenaria – Percorso Rosso – Sessione Perio-prosto – Plenaria, Percorso Blu (Ortodonzia e Plenaria) di venerdi 9 e sabato 10 Giugno, accreditati di 18 crediti ECM.

Written by: Ethel Trabucco

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