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Endodontics: lessons of yesterday and today

todayJanuary 29, 2025 582

The Italian Dental Association Cagliari Oristano, will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of its International Congress entitled “A Decade of Dental Innovation: What Next?” from June 12 – 14, 2025 at the five star Forte Village Resort, on the beautiful island of Sardegna in Italy, one of the most sought-after vacation spots in Europe.

The congress will commence on Thursday, June 12th, with the highly anticipated Endodontic Session, a full morning accreditated with 9 Adacerp/Pace credits, led by top international experts offering a morning featured with lectures followed by an interactive hands-on course in the afternoon.

Key topics of the session will include the evolution of rotating instruments and materials, mastering challenges in endodontic microsurgery, strategies in the management of root resorption, the integration of digital technologies in diagnosis and treatment planning along with cutting-edge techniques in 3D canal disinfection and the latest developments in biomaterials.

Paula Villa, from Universidad CES in Medellin, Colombia, will open the congress with an insightful presentation on Endodontic Microsurgery, focusing on mastering challenges and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Next, Fabio Gorni, an international speaker and expert in Micro Dentistry from Milan, Italy, will explore treatment options for managing the “open apex.” He will also provide valuable updates on advancements in rotary instrument alloys, offering guidance on selecting the most appropriate instruments for varying anatomical situations.

Finally, Ruth Pérez Alfayate, from the University of Granada and the European University of Madrid, will delve into the management of root resorptions. Her presentation will enhance clinicians’ understanding of the differential diagnosis of root resorption types, paving the way for more precise and individualized treatment strategies.

After the break, Roberto Fornara, from Milan, Italy—past president of the Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE) and co-author of the Atlas of Endodontic Anatomy, together with Massimo Gagliani, will explore the transformative role of digital endodontics. His presentation will highlight its impact on diagnosis, treatment planning, and procedural accuracy, while also addressing the importance of investing in training and equipment to fully procure advantage from these advanced technologies.

Next, Giovanni Olivi from Rome, Italy, recipient of the prestigious Leon Goldman Award for Clinical Excellence and the Theodore H. Maiman Award in 2024, will present on the groundbreaking potential of laser-activated irrigation. Specifically, he will delve into SWEEPS technology, an innovative approach to achieving comprehensive 3D disinfection of the root canal system, setting a new standard in endodontic care.

The closing lecture, curated by Nicola Maris Grande, from Rome, Italy, immediate past president of the SIE and author of over 100 publications in international journals will align with the theoretical portion of the hands-on course on the latest generation of bioceramic materials in orthograde and surgical endodontics. The lecture will set the stage for the afternoon’s practical session.

Discussion will focus on “Bioceramics”, based on biocompatible and bioactive calcium silicates.  These materials represent the evolution of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), which, over the past 30 years, has revolutionized the management of complex cases such as perforations, large and wide canals, and surgical repairs of hard tissue defects. The lecture will also explore the differences among the various bioceramic materials available on the market and their specific applications in diverse clinical scenarios, providing attendees with invaluable insights into their effective use.

The official language of the meeting will be English. For those other languages simultaneous translation will be provided. The congress, featuring both lectures as well as hands-on courses, will award participating dentists with up to 40 ADA CERP/AGD PACE CE Credits. Certificates of Participation will be provided to those attendees making request. Sessions for the entire dental team will also be held so bring them along!

To register visit  https://congressaio.it/en/registration/

For abstract submission please write to aiosardegna@aio.it

But that’s not all! Concurrently held with the AIO International Congress will be the Doctors’ World Gala (DWG), a momentous occasion honoring Top Doctors from around the world in the fields of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry, Chiropractic and Medical Philosophy.

During this historic event achievement awards will be presented to the peer elected Top Doctors from 2024 and 2025 that will be added to the other 800 Top Doctors from over 120 countries already bestowed with this prestigious honor.

So come join us for this amazing, one of a kind, congress blending work and pleasure and don’t forget to bring your family and friends to experience a land of a breathtaking beauty where heartfelt warmth and genuine hospitality awaits you!



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Written by: Ethel Trabucco

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