Schneider-Moser Ute

Schneider-Moser Ute


Ute Schneider-Moser

1985 DDS University of Mainz, Germany

1987 Private practice in Bolzano, Italy together with Dr. Lorenz Moser

1990 Active Member of the SIDO (Società di Ortodonzia Italiana)

1999 Diplomate of the Italian Board of Orthodontists (IBO)

2010 Specialty in Orthodontics, University of Ferrara, Italy

2011 Active Member of the EHASO (Angle East)

Since 2011 Visiting professor, Dep. of Orthodontics University of Ferrara, Italy

2012 President of the Accademia Italiana di Ortodonzia (AIdOr)

2019-2021 President Angle East (EHASO)

Since 2021 Adjunct Associate Professor, Dep. of Orthodontics, University of Pennsylvania, USA

President Elect SIDO 2024

Publications in peer-reviewed journals and chapters in orthodontic textbooks

Reviewer for AJODO, Angle Orthodontist, JERD, JOMS



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