Milena Pisano

Pisano Milena


Milena Pisano

Adjunct professor at the University of Sassari .

Graduated with honors and mention of merit in 2009 in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Sassari. In 2011 she was a research fellow at U.O. of Maxillofacial Surgery of the AOU of Sassari.

In 2018 he obtained the IAPEM European Master. Since 2021 he has been Adjunct Professor of Odontostomatology Clinic at the University of Sassari. In clinical practice he deals exclusively with dental prosthesis and in particular with vertical preparation methods, perio-prosthesis and prosthesis on implants. His profession is mainly focused on the management of complex prosthetic cases and on the use of zirconium in the combined treatments of perio-prosthesis and implant prosthesis on regenerated tissues. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in high impact factor international journals, she is a speaker in national and international courses and conferences.




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