Maria Gaggiani

Maria Gaggiani


Maria Gaggiani

Pharmacist, extensive experience in multinational companies with responsibility for communication and medical-marketing aimed at Doctors and Pharmacists on drugs, parapharmaceuticals, dermocosmetic products and oral hygiene. Responsible for the network of Technical-Scientific Reps and sales network training.

Management, training and project management consultant since 2015.

Liason and partnership with Academics and Opinion Leaders, Scientific Societies, Associations in the medical-health and dental fields.

Speaker at congresses and conventions on issues relating to management, organization and behavior in the business and healthcare.

Professor a.c. at the University of Insubria, Degree Course in Dental Hygiene, Management of oral hygiene from A.A. 2009-2010 to 2017-2018.

Teacher of Qualifying Course for Dental Practice Assistants – Marche and Lazio Regions.



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