
Filchev Dimitar


Filchev Dimitar

Graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine-Medical University of Sofia.

With degrees in Prosthetic Dentistry and in Polyvalent Dentistry, Dr. Filchev did not not only develop his passion in dentistry, but discovered a passion for teaching as well-he was elected a senior assistant at the Prosthetic Dentistry Department. In 2015, Dr. Filchev acquired the title of Associate Professor.

Dr. Filchev actively participates in a number of research projects under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science, Medical University and 2 international research projects between various universities and organizations in Europe, the Middle East and the United States – in the field of implantology, lasers and CAD CAM technologies.

He is a guest speaker at many prestigious scientific forums,  He is the author of over 20 scientific publications in Bulgarian and international journals, over 20 participations with posters and reports in scientific congresses.



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