Bordin-Aykroyd Sonia Regina

Bordin-Aykroyd Sonia Regina


Chair of Laser Dentistry for DAIA (Dental AI Association): Overseeing advancements in AI integration within laser dentistry.

DAIA Ambassador for South America: Serving as a key figure in promoting AI-driven dental innovations across the region.

34+ years of experience in Laser Dentistry: A pioneer in laser applications since 1990, with clinical, research, and educational experience across Brazil, the UK, and the USA.

Certified Laser Specialist & International Instructor: Teaching the Professional Advanced Program in Laser Dentistry certified by Liege university, Belgium, and the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD).

PhD Researcher in Photomedicine (De Montfort University, UK): Currently conducting cutting-edge research in photonic and laser technologies in healthcare applications.

Director of the North American Division of the WFLD (World Federation for Laser Dentistry): Leading the promotion and development of laser dentistry in North America.

Founder and Past-President of the Lasers and Photonics Group at the IADR (International Association for Dental Research): Pioneering leadership in laser and photonics research within the global dental community.

Committee Member for ADA-ANSI and ISO Standards on Laser Dentistry and Artificial Intelligence: Actively contributing to the development and review of both laser dentistry and AI standards in dentistry, ensuring global alignment for safe and effective use of these technologies.

CEO of Visage Laser Institute: Leading innovations in laser and photobiomodulation therapies and recognized as one of the Top 100 World Doctors in Dentistry.

Bordin-Aykroyd Sonia Regina


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