Alfonso Coscarella

Coscarella Alfonso


Alfonso Coscarella

In 1986 he graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Siena.

In 1989, in his own office in Grosseto, he began his interest in periodontal and implant-prosthetic therapies.

Since 1996 he has been using the Simplant for surgical and prosthetic planning in implant therapy.

In 2002 he specialized in periodontal prosthesis and periodontal patient management at the University of Siena and since 2003 he has limited his activity in his studio to the treatment of periodontal cases and advanced prosthetic implants.

He has been running the Nobelbiocare implant systems, since 1990, Astra and Straumann. In 2015 he obtained the Certificate in Implant Dentistry at the University of Malmoe. He has the book: “Immediate Implants Manual Atlas” published by Quintessenza.

He is a member of the Italian Society of Periodontology, of the American Academy of Periodontology, of the Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry and of the European Association of Osseointegration. He world member of Leading Implant Centers and Director of the Maremma ITI Study Club.

Immediate implantology: innovative therapies for long-term success.

Implantologia immediata: terapie innovative per un successo a lungo termine.

Da studi scientifici sviluppati negli ultimi anni e’ stata confermata , in casi selezionati, la validità’ degli impianti post-estrattivi. L’utilizzo di tale metodica implica un minor impatto emotivo, una unica chirurgia e una guarigione spesso migliore per il paziente. Verranno discussi metodiche di estrazione atraumatica degli elementi dentari, inserzione ideale degli impianti con o senza rigenerazione ossea con sostituti d’osso ed eventualmente barriere e la possibilità’ di unire una metodica avanzata come quella del’implantologia post estrattiva con la possibilità’ di eseguire un carico immediato per ripristinare estetica nei casi più’ complessie i vantaggi che derivano da un approccio immediato rispetto ad un approccio differito. ARGOMENTI Argomenti: Background scientifico Mantenimento del volume osseo Impianti postestrattivi.

Immediate implantology: innovative therapies for long-term success.

From scientific studies developed in recent years, the immediate implants success has been confirmed in selected cases.  The use of this method implies a lower emotional impact, a single surgery and often better healing for the patient.  Atraumatic extraction methods of dental elements will be discussed, ideal insertion of implants with or without bone regeneration with bone substitutes and possibly barriers and the possibility of combining an advanced method such as that of post-extraction implantology with the possibility of performing a immediate load to restore aesthetics in more complex cases and the advantages deriving from an immediate approach compared to a deferred approach.

TOPICS Topics: Scientific background Maintenance of bone volume Immediate implants.



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