Digital Dentistry Session

Chia Room 2

JUNE 8, 2023


The Digital Approach in Daily Dental Practice

In dentistry new digital tools such as intra and extra oral scanners, conebeam computed tomography (CBCT), software systems for computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD / CAM) are used in our practices. Innovative manufacturing procedures, such as 3D printing and Laser Sintering are changing the way we treat our patients. As a result, clinical procedures are moving towards completely digital workflows, which can be useful in all fields of dentistry, from conservative and prosthetic, to implant surgery and orthodontics.

8.45 - 9.15 | Digital in Implantology

Alessandro Perucchi

“It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” (Charles Darwin).
As Charles Darwin said, you must be open to change. The digital revolution is taking place in our field. Not for everyone it’s easy to adapt to this new digital workflow.
During the lecture we will explain to you the advantages and disadvantages of transforming all your steps from analogue implantology to digital implantology. We will analyze this change at 360°. The aim of this lecture is to bring the participants through the digital workflow, from treatment planning to the reconstructive phase. Superimposing DICOM and STL files in an appropriate software allow us to be precise in planning the implant treatments. This lecture will show in detail how to produce a precise stent in most demanding cases such as edentulous patients. Furthermore, it takes us through the steps of the guided implant placement as well as through the possibilities and the accuracy of digital impressions. Finally, the workflow for prosthodontic production it will be explained. The lecture presents scientific evidence regarding the accuracy, reproducibility, and cost effectiveness of the digital approach in implant dentistry.

9.15 - 9.45 | work flow from the lab to the office

Uli Hauschild

9.45 - 10.30 | Digital Dental Prothesis

Piero Venezia

The use of digital technology must determine a concrete benefit in the study and laboratory workflows.

The implications of this evolution favorably fall on the patient: reduction of treatment times, cost reductions linked to an increase in productivity, reduction of the invasiveness of prosthetic procedures.

The use of CAD-CAM in fixed prostheses, on implants and natural teeth, is now an indispensable element.

The digital work-flow that can be effectively applied to the construction of the fixed and removable prosthesis will be descrive; indications for the choice of new prosthetic materials will be provided.

10.30 - 11.00 | The virtual patient in digital surgery

Giuseppe Zingari

11.00 - 11.30 | Break

11.30 - 12.30 | What changes in dentistry with digital processes?

Paulo Kano

The advent of digital technology has positively changed the way of examining, diagnosing, prognosticating and treating patients in the different specialties, as well as facilitating laboratory work.
The Cllones method is a concept that brings together all the techniques and protocols developed by Dr. Paulo Kano that make it possible to recreate dental morphology naturally and predictably.
This workflow includes Mockups, Photography, Video, Digital Planning, Flapless Surgery, Tooth Preparation, Scanning, Ceramic Staining, Cementation, Occlusion Adjustment and Dental Implant.
Resulting in a personalized aesthetic, according to the patient’s choices.
Cllones revolutionizes the way of making dental restorations, achieving excellence in function, physiology, aesthetics and can be used in various oral rehabilitation indications.
The main objective of the use of digital resources in aesthetic restorations is to increase the predictability of the treatment, since it enables the simulation and planning of the clinical case, providing an early visualization of the final restoration, from the beginning of the treatment.

12.30 - 13.00 | Approach for prosthetic driven esthetic treatment

Dimitar Flitchev

During the presentation speaker will discuss all benefits and restrictions of digital workflow for full mouth reconstructions and smile makeovers. Proper choice of equipment and team communication. He will demonstrate clinical cases with all steps video documented. Starting with planning and finishing with bonding procedures.

13.00 - 13.30 | Ortodonzia in 3D: time to shift

Luis Huanca

Do you already have an intraoral scanner? Do you use it only to order clear aligners (as if you were using a smartphone without downloading any App) or to full potential? Digital orthodontics is possible from A to Z. You don’t have to give up your traditional therapeutic tools, or make compromises. Making digital lab appliances means giving a new, more practical look, for the patient and the orthodontist, to the good appliance you already use. Without bands, time and money are saved, and for the patient, fitting braces becomes like putting on a glove. This applies to both fixed and removable braces. Working digitally to move teeth implies a change of mindset that can be summed up in the motto “Start with the end in mind”. In practice, the digital workflow has as its obligatory starting point the setup of the expected outcome, based on the diagnostic considerations unique to each case. Whereas previously setups were the prerogative of only the most complex cases, with digital orthodontics they become the sine qua non. It is not simply a matter of relying on, albeit good, technicians, but knowing how to direct therapy by making “bends” with the mouse, rather than chairside, saving chair time. Speaking of custom buccal brackets coupled with custom arches, the field narrows to the Insignia system. We will discuss of retention in the digital age and modern versions of digitally “cut” retainer wires that achieve a precision that the human hand cannot approach.


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