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Simplification for success in perio-prosthetics is the focus of the “red path” of lectures

todayMarch 10, 2025 627

Join us from June 12-14, 2025 for an extraordinary experience at the 10th Anniversary of the AIO Sardegna International Congress held from at the stunning five star Forte Village, a world-class destination, where, on June 13th and 14th, top international educators and clinicians unveil strategies and innovative solutions for mastering perio-prosthetic excellence as part of the “Red Path” series of lectures. this session will offer attendees up to 20 ADA CERP / AGD PACE CE credits together with the Friday and Saturday plenaries.

Friday, June 13th – The day kicks off with a powerhouse lineup of experts delivering cutting-edge insights into perio-prosthetic advancements.

8:45-9:45 – The Perio-Prosthetic Session begins with a presentation by Ignazio Loi, contract professor at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, Italy and faculty member in the Masters Program of Prosthetics at Alma Mater University of Bologna, Italy and the Restorative Dentistry Program at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Loi discussing his “BOPT (BIOLOGICAL ORIENTED PREPARATION TECNIQUE)”, a revolutionary prosthetic approach that eliminates the need for multidisciplinary interventions in pre-treated cases while exploring new advancements within the technique, including controlled sulcus invasion, emerging adaptation profiles, and differentiated abrasion.

9:45-10:15 – Next, Federico Tirone  from Cuneo, Italy, founder of one of Italy’s largest implant clinics, will discuss “CAN WE OPTIMISE CLINICAL AND ECONOMIC OUTCOMES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE EDENTULOUS PATIENT?” challenging conventional full-arch rehabilitation protocols by identifying unnecessary steps and unveiling a streamlined, efficient approach that simplifies complex treatments into low-complexity procedures.

10:15 – 11:00 – Closing the session, Meizi Eliezer (University of Bern, Switzerland), co-author of Next Generation Biomaterials for Bone & Periodontal Regeneration and Understanding Platelet Rich Fibrin, will dive into “IMMEDIATE LOADING AFTER COMPREHENSIVE PERIODONTAL AND SOFT TISSUE TREATMENT: A PROTOCOL FOR LONG-TERM IMPLANT SUCCESS” examining the long-term reliability of dental implants for tooth replacement. She will also discuss cutting-edge techniques to enhance peri-implant soft tissues, with a special focus on the benefits of cross-linked hyaluronic acid.

11:00- 11:30 – Break

11:30-12:00 – Following a short break, Alberto Miselli, professor at Veracruz, Mexico, and Unicoc University of Bogotá, Colombia  as well as the developer of the Umbrella Concept, a bibliographic review on targeted interventions for enhanced aesthetics and functionality will present “REASONED PROCEDURES TO INCREASE THE VOLUME OF PERI-IMPLANT TISSUES” stressing the importance of evaluating the peri-implant tissues, bone and soft tissues very carefully before a patient can be considered a candidate for implant therapy.

12:00-1:00 PM – Next, Paolo Bozzoli, founder and scientific director of Elite Odontoiatrica, joins forces with Filippo Tomarelli, professor at University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy, Sapienza Masters in Rome, Italy, and Alma Mater in Bologna, Italy, will discuss “DIGITAL ANALYSIS IN POST-EXTRACTION IMPLANTOLOGY FROM SINGLE ELEMENT TO FULL ARCH” exploring the crucial role of tissue volume analysis at surgical sites. They will also discuss optimal three-dimensional planning for post-extractive implant placement, offering an updated approach to achieving precision and long-term success.

1:00 PM-2:00 PM – Closing the session, Cristian Scognamiglio, a specialist in dental esthetics, and Alessandro Perucchi, an oral surgeon based in Mendrisio, Switzerland, will discuss “NEW PROTOCOLS IN CLINICAL REGENERATION. ACTIVE OXYGEN TECHNOLOGY IN ACTION. THE SWISS TRADITION Meets the Latin Charisma” showing how oxygen therapy enhances healing of treated tissues helping to maintain long-term results.

This session is a powerhouse lineup of experts in perio-prosthetics offering a unique opportunity to gain practical tips and valuable insights that you don’t want to miss!

To register for the AIO Sardegna International Congress visit: https://congressaio.it/en/registration/

or send your abstract at aiosardegna@aio.it before the end of March.

Room booking at the congress venue : https://www.reservationaiosardegna.com/

Two powerful Plenary Sessions will also highlight the Red Path!

The first plenary session, on Friday afternoon from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., features among others, Marco Veneziani, Fabio Federici Canova, Daniele Garbo, and Gualtiero Mandelli, exploring the synergy between orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and esthetics, providing a comprehensive with forward-thinking approach to patient treatment.

The second plenary session will be held on Saturday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., welcoming among others, Lorenzo Vanini and Camillo D’Arcangelo, two masters in the dentistry

After lunch the afternoon session, open to all participants, will conclude the congress with the AIO Academy Session, and with the Congress Closure held by Carlo Guastamacchia, esteemed visionary and author of over 400 publications, alongside the renowned Antonio Pelliccia, economist, opinion leader, and expert in marketing and management.

Concurrently held with the AIO Sardegna International Congress will be the 2025 Doctors’ World Gala (DWG), a momentous occasion honoring Top Doctors from around the world in the fields of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry, Chiropractic and Medical Philosophy.

During this historic event achievement awards will be presented to 200 of the elected Top Doctors from 2024 and 2025 that will be added to the other 800 Top Doctors from over 120 countries already bestowed with this honor.

Come join us and bring your family and friends to experience this amazing event of work and pleasure, where a land of breathtaking beauty, exceptional cuisine and sincere hospitality awaits you!


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Written by: Ethel Trabucco

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