Raquel Zita

Raquel Zita Gomes


Dental Medical Doctor by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto (FMDUP) (1996-2002). Post-graduation in Implantology (Bränemark Institute in Gothenburg and  Maxilla-Facial Surgery Ward  at Västerås Hospital, Sweden) (2002). Master’s Degree (MSc) in Implantology by the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FMDUP) (2006-2007) and investigation thesis under the title “Experimental study of a new biomembrane (MES) for guided bone regeneration” with a final unanimous grade of Very Good (top grade). PhD degree (Oral Surgery, Implantology) at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto (FMDUP 2013-2018) and investigation thesis under the title “Implant Stability in the posterior maxilla in different situations of bone regeneration- Clinical Trial” with a final unanimous grade of Very Good (top grade). Certified Oral Surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the Portuguese Dental Medicine Association in 2017 after being submitted to exam by the board of Oral Surgery Committee.

Professional Membership: OMD: Portuguese Dental Medicine Association. SPEMD: Portuguese Society of Oral and Dental Medicine, APSO: Portuguese Association of Oral Health, SOPIO: founder member and belonging to the social organization of the Portuguese Society of implantology and Osteointegration, Portugal, BBB Academy: Bone Biomaterials and Beyond- active member, Italy. GIA (Global Implantology Academy), IEA (International Extraction Academy) – Board member (regent, scientific committee), LA, USA, DDS (Digital Dental Society) – active member, Germany

Participation, posters, organization and speaker in several national and international meetings, symposiums, workshops and conferences

Published articles in national and international magazines, newspapers and books. Co-author of the book Divas in Dentistry, edited by Sharolyn Quinseberry, 2018. .Guest author of the book Power of Doctor, by Bak Nguyen, 2020. Owner of private practice Dental clinics (Clinica Médico-Dentária RZ:JM, Managing partner) in Porto and in Albergaria-Aveiro, performing Implantology.

Raquel Zita


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