Roberto Fornara

Fornara Roberto


Roberto Fornara
Graduated with Honor in Dentistry and Dental Prostheses at the University of Pavia in 1995.
Co-author of Fattori di crescita e biomateriali, published by Masson in 2000.
Coordinator, with Prof. Massimo Gagliani, of Testo atlante di anatomia en-dodontica published by Tecniche Nuove in 2011.
Author of the Iatrogenic Perforations chapter in Manuale di Endodonzia, published by Edra in 2013 and Radiology Chapter in the Second Edition.
Co-author of Ritrattamenti that will publish by EDRA in November 2018.
Author of numerous scientific articles.
Active member since 2003, and Past President of the SIE – Italian Society of Endodontics.
Member since 2007 of the Editorial Committee of GIE- Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia.
Member of Editorial Committee of UDJ (Ukrainian Dental Journal).
Certified Member since 2011 of ESE – European Society of Endodontology.
Certified Speaker of Digital Dental Society (DDS).
Adjunct Professor of University of Salerno at Dipartimento di Medicina, Chi-rurgia e Odontoiatria “Scuola Medica Salernitana” from 2022.
Teacher in II Level Master in different University (Insubria-Varese; Bologna, Brescia and Napoli).
He gave his contribution as an expert in this specific subject to II Rehabili-tative Dentistry (coordinator, Prof. Massimo Gagliani), in the specialized de-gree course of Dentistry and Dental Prostheses at the Odontostomatological Clinic of the Department of Surgery and Dental Medicine San Paolo, Milan.
Lecturer at Congresses focusing on endodontic and restorative themes, and teacher of endodontics and imaging & radiology practical courses.
Freelancer since 1996. Owner, since 2005, of a Dental Office in Marcallo (Milan, Italy).



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