Adriano Bartoli

Bartoli Adriano


Adriano Bartoli, pioneer of Facial Aesthetic Medicine in Dentistry since 2004 when already as a young dental surgeon specialist at the La Sapienza University of Rome is dedicated to the use of dermal fillers in facial aesthetic therapies and as an opinion leader of a well-known aesthetic medicine brand that uses it in numerous national contexts and international. Passionate about clinical research, he has dedicated himself since he was young to the teaching of oral surgery in various Italian universities (UniChieti, UniPisa, UniBrescia) for his pioneering studies on engineered tissue regeneration bone using biomaterials and stem cells from bone marrow and periosteum; in parallel disseminates his knowledge in the use of dermal fillers in facial aesthetic therapies to starting from the first specialization course in facial aesthetic medicine for dentists at the University of Chieti held in 2007, up to the present day. International ambassador of facial cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Bartoli has taught facial fillers throughout the world at the invitation of medical and dental associations to share its latest innovations in aesthetic therapies with the use of injectables. But Dr. Bartoli was also the mentor of a revolutionary line of mixed dermal fillers, a cornerstone of fillers absorbables of hyaluronic acid and agarose, which has revolutionized the durability standards of volumizing facial treatments. Professor of fillers at national Masters and international in numerous academic institutions, from UniCamerino, UniCamillus, UniChieti, UniSapienza, AFMS, ICAMP, Venus Clinic Academy Athens, up to MediFace in Rome of which he is a founding member. National coordinator SIMEO (Italian Medicine Association aesthetics in dentistry) and president of SIMEO of the Lazio Region.

Adriano Bartoli


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